
Latest News

April 2018- Titan Arum Livestream

April 5, 2018- Rare “Corpse Flower” Titan Arum Preparing to Bloom at UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens

March 12, 2018- 2018 UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens Spring Plant Sale


Recent Media Coverage

April 2018- Charlotte Observer coverage of Titan

April 2018- WSOC coverage of Titan

April 2018- Spectrum News coverage of Titan

March 2018- Director Jeff Gillman appears on Charlotte Today



Jeff Gillman, PhD, Director, UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens

jeff-gillman-360pxJeff has a Master’s degree in Entomology and a Ph.D. in Horticulture from the University of Georgia. He is the author of five books on gardening and the environment, a Contributing Editor to Fine Gardening Magazine, and has appeared on such shows as Martha Stewart and Growing a Greener World. From 1998 until 2013 he worked as an Associate Professor in the Department of Horticultural Science at the University of Minnesota, but the cold finally got to him! For the past two years he has been an instructor at Central Piedmont Community College, teaching courses on Plant Propagation, Plant Materials, and Hydroponics among others. As of August 2015, he is the Director of the UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens.


Logos and Images

(click thumbnail for larger image)

UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens logo:

Titan Arum “Rotney the Magnifiscent” courtesy Tammy Blume 2018:

Titan Arum “Odie” courtesy Lynn Roberson 2015:


Media Contacts

Jeff Gillman, Ph.D, Director:

Tammy Blume, Greenhouse Manager:

Christen Hoover, Marketing Manager:

Greenhouse Phone Number: 704-687-0721